Perceptions become Reality

You understand how your own perception impacts your reactions and mood. Blaming all your emotions on events and people outside of you creates a situation where you are constantly giving your power away. Taking responsibility for your mindset not only helps you grow, it widens your opportunity for happiness. Yung Pueblo 

Perception is defined as the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted. You may understand, interpret or regard a similar situation in which faced with someone in a completely different way. 

You may have had the experience of being in the same place at the same time with someone and you both tell a completely different story. I have learnt that our perceptions are clouded by our experiences, our beliefs and even our physical abilities.

I was having a conversation with a group of people who all volunteer for The Nina Young Women's Leadership Program on what my perception of the organization was. It was startling that the perceptions were all different. We see the world through our perceptions, we make decisions based on our perceptions and I truly believe that many of our perceptions become the reality for us.

Byron Katie's work has helped me in a lot of ways where this is concerned - she asks the question "is this true, is this really true" not only does the question put a pause on my actions, it guides me towards distinguishing whether I am making a decision based on me making up a story, sometimes I even ask a question (if I feel brave enough- you get the lesson here right? paying attention to our perceptions promotes courage) 

Our interpretation of events comes from past experiences, biases, beliefs, values, assumptions, and expectations. 

Life will give you a nudge or a sign when to pay attention to your perception and interpretation of events when they no longer serve you living to your fullest potential. Our role is to pay attention.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books