Your Life, Your Choice

So when things are beautiful in your life remember They. Are. Yours. This is your life.And when things are awful, they’re also yours. But if your problems aren’t getting you clYour oser to a life you want to be living…Then you have choices to make.  Maxi

This weekend I completed a retreat with a team of wonderful ladies that volunteer for the NGO that I founded The Nina Young Women's Leadership Program

We were at a beautiful home on the North Cost of the island close to the beach, in a small village with the sounds of birds and nature. Beautiful sunsets and sunrises featured daily in our experience. The yellows and oranges of the sky soothed us as we closed off the day of meetings and interventions with the ladies present.

For those few days, that was my life.

According to Maxi, We have a tendency to brush good things off. Whether we’re staying in a beautiful spot for the weekend, or an incredible opportunity comes our way, or someone wonderful walks into our life…we explain it away. We talk about how it’s temporary. Or not ours. Or borrowed. Or only because x, y, or z happened.

Get into the practice of accepting what is in the moment. Moments make up our lives. Our words, our thoughts sends a signal to the Universe of what we want, what we are grateful for and what we are focused on.

Life is unpredictable and has its ups and downs,. I have learnt that the ups come to balance out the downs. And it is all part of the grand experience. Paying attention and being present in all the moments help in navigating this adventure called life. How you perceive your life is so very important when navigating through both the ups and the downs.

Practice building your life with the choices that you make, the words that you speak and the thoughts that you hold on to. There may be hard choices, there may be difficult moments - they all prepare you for the Flipside of what you will call MY LIFE.

Peace and Blessings