Gratitude is a Prayer
It wasn’t what I wanted, but it was exactly what I needed. Ebonee Davis
Today on my early morning walk, I listened to a conversation between Oprah and Lady Gaga. All I knew about Lady Gaga before listening to the conversation was that she was a mega superstar artist who leaned towards the outrageous. I kept seeing the conversation popping up on Spotify and I continued to completely ignore it. What would interest me about Lady Gaga I asked - the answer I would give myself is nothing! Well let me tell you, I was way off, I decided to listen to the conversation and was riveted. Why? Her story spoke of resilience, discipline, using her platform to impact others in a positive way and overcoming setbacks resonated with me in an immense way.
What I took away from the conversation:
1. When our passion is partnered with discipline we become unstoppable.
2. Radical acceptance is the beginning of changing your life - this has been what I have been focusing on in 2023. Accepting what is in front of me rather than denying it, wanting to fix, change, control it. Just plain on accepting that this is what it is!
3. No one is exempt from the challenges, lessons and disappointments of life. Despite fame, fortune and the likes, we all have them and there is no one who can go through them for you,
4. Gratitude is a prayer - if all you can say is thank you, the Most High will respond. Practice gratitude.
5. No one can do life alone - find a village, find a tribe and cherish them.
Peace and Blessings