Letting go is taking responsibility for my feelings

Make sure them expectations you living up to belong to you & no one else. Ebony Davis

On Thursday, I drove just over two and a half hours to speak at a school event. The entire day and the experience turned out to be quite beautiful. Lessons were learnt and letting go was enhanced. I have been focusing on the art of letting go during the month of May.

I define letting go as staying in consciousness. Stating centered, grounded and peaceful when faced with difficult situations or when my ego wants to prove that I am enough.

Letting go is taking a pause before reacting out of anger, fear or ego.

Letting go is taking responsibility for my feelings.

The school asked me to speak to just over 100 young ladies between the ages oof 13 and 14 - hearing just over 100 ladies scared me. Driving for just over two and a half ours, the thought of doing that, scared me. My mind started talking to me (incessantly) "this more that I have ever spoken to before" My mind also reminded me that these ladies are younger than the ones that I usually speak to. I felt a pang of nervousness. I felt anxious and started making assumptions. Then I remembered that I was in the process of learning to let go and to stay in my consciousness. Remembering this helped me in moving out of fear and into a place of reflection. I wanted to give myself a chance of doing something new that seems challenging.

I put the work in, I prepared and then I let go.

I did not remember everything that I wrote before hand to say, I do remember showing up real with an intention to do my best.

When we show up with intention, letting go becomes easier.

I am grateful for the time spent at the school in Point Fortin.


Akosua's Books