Worthiness Demands Accountability

Believing we create our own reality means we acknowledge that nothing can change in our lives until we change. Being accountable means being willing to examine what we need to change about ourselves to draw closer to the new future – the new personal reality – we envision.

And then, once we’ve made a commitment to change, accountability means we honor that commitment. Joe Dispenza 

Our belief of our own worth is essential as we navigate through this journey called life. How worthy do we feel? our sense and feeling of our worthiness informs many of our choices.

As we move through life, we encounter situations such as fear, rejection, insecurities and broken dreams which play on how we feel about ourselves. Many of these are external events. It is crucial that we know and remember that worthiness is innate and an inside job. What is important is how we learn and respond to the events.

An inside job - it starts with you, it starts inside you, knowing, believing, doing the work.

What I have learnt today about worthiness is,  when we feel worthy it shows up in how we respond and react to the external events.

Resistance reflects a feeling of unworthiness. The resistance to change- this can mean - I do not feel well equipped to do this new thing, to this uncertainty.

The resistance to remaining disciplined and keeping your commitments - this can mean - I am afraid of doing this, I do not deserve this.

The resistance to see things in a new way, to give up your way, to give up control - this can mean - I want to control this situation to feel safe. 

Worthiness is a willingness to say yes, knowing that whatever happens I remain worthy, I can handle it, I will learn and be ok.

And when we let go of the resistance with a willingness to see things in a different way, a remembrance of our innate worthiness, we take our power back. 
