Insecurity Blocks Flow

Insecurity will manifest itself as control, which blocks the flow of real love Yung Pueblo

Over the past few weeks, life has been reflecting back to me my insecurities. Life is beautiful like that, it brings to your attention what you need to focus on. Sometimes, life will take -what we would consider - drastic moves to get our attention.

Sometimes, getting our attention can be uncomfortable at best. I have now learnt these attempts at getting my attention as a demonstration of how much life loves each and every one of us.

All that to say that the reflections to me lately has been manifesting itself as control, blocking flow. I had to sit with myself and ask: what am I insecure about? what does it even mean? Why am I even feeling this way?

The definition of insecure is uncertain or anxious about oneself, not confident in self. Note that "oneself" and "self" is an important part of the definition. Its all about you. How you feel about yourself, rather than what others are telling you, what others are validating or invalidating.

We must examine our own fears, insecurities and triggers. Then we can now when they arise, and trust me they will arise, how to get curious about them, how they impact how we live.

Once we are radically honest with ourself, we can take the appropriate action.

Affirm - there is nothing to far!

Affirm - Life loves me

Get curious with the insecurity, invite it in - not to live - just enough for the message and lesson that it has for you - then let it go.


Akosua's Books