[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] I surrender ALL
Surrender helps to heal fear filled wanting and not having Iyanla
Sharing this.... The Value in the Valley
I recently experienced a severe financial setback which caused me to
question and doubt myself, as well as every good work I had ever done
I was in fear of being wrong. I could not believe that with sales of two
books I could not pay my rent and even had no aluminum foil to cover my
stove burners.
Still, I made public appearances, usually praying that lunch will be served
to cut down on the food bill. It was a truly humbling experience which I am
surviving by learning to surrender.
The first thing you must surrender when you are a penniless public figure
is your ego
You are being forced to make a decision between living your truth and
living what you want others to believe about you
As black women we are indoctrinated to believe that our self-worth is
attached to our net worth.
When we have money we feel valuable and worthy. We use money to buy things
to support that concept. Our clothes, cars, doodads and ditties often have
nothing to do with what we need. They merely support what we want others to
think about us and who we are.
As our collection of "things" increases we get compliments and congrats
about how well we are doing. Even when we are not doing so well, having
things make us feel better. We feel worthy
When a black woman has a cash shortage, in her mind it translates to " I am
not doing the right thing. I should be doing more of this" We are not
willing to let others know of our plight because of the aversion we have to
criticism. We let our stomachs rumble rather than ask for a meal
We feign illness and stay home rather than admit we don't have petrol or
car fare
We do not want others to think or know we are faulty in anyway, so we
suffer silently trying to figure it out
"Where the hell am I going to get some money?"
What we don't realize is that the criticism we want and so desperately try
to avoid is born and lives within our own minds
the very things we think we say to ourselves
My first lesson was peace. What did I need to do to make peace with this
situation? I had to surrender this preoccupation of what others thought
about me
Next lesson - trust. Did I trust God to provide for me?
Next lesson - faith. I could not have faith without patience
Everything comes in time and on time
I had to surrender every thought, every emotion, every thing attached to
the fear of not having money
Surrender requires trust
Surrender requires patience
Surrender requires obedience
Surrender requires authenticity
Surrender requires awareness and ownership
I surrender all
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 11/28/2016 11:52:00 am