Letting Go is a Process

When we recognize what is valueless there is no sense of loss in laying it down.  ACIM

in the past, letting go sounded to me like falling off a building or a cliff. I would look at letting go as  releasing someone's hands  and then something catches me at the bottom. For a long time I was in fear of what would happen at the "bottom" I was in even more fear of what happens when I fall or fly off a cliff.

What a difference a change of perspective made, I started looking at letting go as making room, making space, the opening up of a portal for something new, something that will help me live a better life.

I also released the view that someone was holding my hand so there was no more "falling" and no more "bottom" rather, I looked at it from a perspective of flying, when I let go I soared with the wind. I now look at it from the perspective that the Universe always has my back. 

Letting go is a process, its starts with our thoughts, what are we thinking, how do we feel about it. Letting go requires faith, courage and discipline and most importantly forgiveness - first of self then of others.

If we are of the view that we are losing something then our actions will reflect that. Who likes to lose? I certainly don't. Life always guides us and redirects us to the path that we ought to be on. Our responsibility is to pay attention and have the courage to let go. To have a vision for ourselves, to have boundaries and a ton of self love.

When I "lost" my job, I did not want to let go because I saw it not as a blessing but as a failure. Now, I see for myself that action made room for me doing so many other activities that I love. 

When I "lost" the dream house, I looked at it as I was the victim of the wicked banks. Now I see in that letting go I was able to learn about taking responsibility for the choices that I  make and looking at the why behind it all.

We choose to grow by letting go of what is no longer working.


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