August is the Journey to Letting Go

this is what you do when you love and desire to protect yourself. you assess what can be changed, what can be improvised upon and if the answer is nothing. then that’s all you need to know. Gaia

Hello Lovies

Welcome to August - The Journey to Letting Go.

Listen, there are some paths you absolutely must walk for yourself, sometimes you have to get down on your hands and knees in order to climb over the rocks, to navigate the wind, to stay on the ground.

Then there are some paths filled with butterflies, birds and flat open terrain. Life is like that, balanced. When we are willing to view things from this perspective it makes the Journey so much more meaningful.

All that to say, we must invest the time in doing the self work, asking ourselves the probing and sometimes hard questions, taking responsibility for your joy and happiness, being willing to see things differently.

Letting go and giving up are two different concepts.

One is rooted in faith and the other one is rooted in fear.

The Journey to Letting Go will call upon us having a level of unwavering faith that may be unprecedented. however, if we have done the work over the past seven months you may feel willing enough to do something new.

Peace and blessings on the Journey