Things I Learned on the Devotion Train

Devotion is different than hardworking. It's totally separate from disciplined. It's such intense loyalty that it has to be born from something else entirely: love. Maxie McCoy 

There is a mantra that my friend and I share on days when we are about to do something tough, something we dread, or something that we may not like. 

Show up with Love and Devotion

Hearing this brings me back to the now moment. It reminds me that I am love and devotion leads to mastery.

What are you devoted to? What is the thing that you do rooted in love and you show up for?

Sharing the ten things that I have learned to keep me on the Devoted Train

1. Focus on the Love, rather than the Fear.

2. Focus on what you are giving, rather than losing - Devotion is not about sacrifice but service.

3. Remind yourself of the "why" - if you don't know the why, find it, if you can't then you are not yet devoted.

4. Be grateful - Give thanks through and for it all.

5.  Build and Know your Tribe - who is for you, in your corner, authentic and bold enough to give you a kind word of truth?

6. Balance - Have fun, rest when you are tired.

7. Celebrate the small wins

8. Have a strong NO and a string YES - no to the things that diminish you, dishonor you. Yes to the things that light you up.

9.  Take Small steps and learn as you grow, there is no perfect way

10. Just start... and make it Consistent.


September we go on a Self Awareness Journey- Four Week Immersive online Workshop. Join us, spread the word.