Release from fear comes from changing our minds

Trying to rearrange external circumstances to alleviate fear, such has changing behavior or changing our environment, will not work. Release from fear comes only through changing our mind and accepting that we remain part of God and share His Love. ACIM

There is this saying that how we interpret an event brings more fear than the event itself. I know I can testify, even with little events. I sometimes make up elaborate stories - all by myself- if I have to visit the doctor. By the time I arrive at the doctor's office, my blood pressure is literally high because I have been stressing myself out with fear.

Making up stories without all the facts and details can fuel fear. We put pressure on ourselves to control what is happening outside of us,  to control the narrative. In fact,  we look to find a way to control anything that we believe we can control to support us in eliminating the fear, and discomfort.  I have learnt that changing my mind from fear to love supports in eliminating the fear. How? Simply affirming to myself, there is nothing to fear, and what ever it is I am equipped to handle it. I may not automatically believe that however, saying it puts my mind on notice that there is another way to approach a situation rather than fear, control and manipulation.

It also supports in me pausing on making up stories. Trust me, those stories can mash you up!

The next time you catch yourself in the grips of fear with the response of making up stories and wanting to control the external:

Pause. Affirm. Proceed


September we go on a Self Awareness Journey- Four Week Immersive online Workshop. Join us, spread the word.