Are you finding comfort in your illusions?

you sabotage yourself slowly when you ask for signs but choose to ignore them. i hope you heal the parts of you that fear truth and has found comfort in illusion, i hope you heal the parts of you that feel unworthy because of the past, i hope you learn to validate your intuition. iambrilliant

Finding comfort in illusions seems to be widespread. And I at the moment. get it, I have also found comfort in the illusions. It just seems simpler to deny, justify, rationalize what is there because making another decision involves change, uncertainty and effort.

Many times, I would know what I know and leave it alone with the hope that it changes - even if I have done nothing different - I just hoped that the situation would change, go away, be solved.

The truth will set you free - that lesson - is also true. One that I learnt early on. Life keeps reminding me of it at every turn.

When we want to be seen as a success, want to be right, when we are afraid and ashamed of disappointing others, when we have core beliefs that no longer serve us, when we do not know who we are, the illusions seem to be a comfortable place to sit. There is no major upheaval required, until..... the proverbial shit hits the fan. Life reminding us that we have what it takes to move past the illusion and step into a level of belief in ourselves and our intuitions that we are capable of handling any situation. There is nothing to fear and nothing to prove.

As you continue to become more self aware, you will see that the illusions are part of the Journey to show you that where you are, you must pay attention, perhaps it is time to change, shift or move on. If you continue to live inside the illusions, life will show you that your time has come to do a new thing.
