He Who Blames No One Has Arrived

He who blames others has a long way to go on his journey. He who blames himself is halfway there. He who blames no one has arrived. Chinese proverb

One important lesson on this Journey so far is the importance of self talk. What are you telling yourself?

What do you tell yourself on a daily basis?

What are you hearing from yourself?

Are you speaking to yourself with love, compassion, empathy or judging yourself harshly?

Of course there are some times where your self talk must be stern, it must always however be with love and in love.

How do you start changing the way you speak to and about yourself? Start noticing what you say, pay attention, listen to what you are saying objectively then ask is what I am saying filled with love, is it useful? If not, anytime you catch yourself talking to yourself in that way, pause, apologise and start a new conversation. It takes practice, soon you will see how when your self talk transforms, how much your outer experiences follow.

It all starts within
