Ask Yourself : Why do I do what I do?

Why do I do what I do? Alicia Rodriguez

Have you ever asked yourself that question in  a quiet moment and ponder authentically on the response?

Why do I  what I do - daily.

In fact, apart from what you know that you absolutely must do, are you aware of why you do some of those things routinely?

The job you have chosen

The hobbies

The automatic response to situations?

How does what you do contribute to the life that you now live?

I have sat and ask myself the questions and this was the automatic responses:

1. It brings me joy

2. I am afraid to do something different

3. My family does this all the time

4. This is who I am

Here is what I learnt, the moment I am not at peace and have started justifying, blaming and rationalizing, its time to look at what I am doing and why.

If there is no peace in the response, take another look- with open, willing and  honest eyes


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