June is the Journey to Courage

June is upon us. As we move on from our Journey to Stillness, we Journey onward to Courage.

Maya Angelou said "courage is the most important of all virtues because without courage you cannot practice any other virtue consistently" she also went on to say if we have courage, nothing can dim the light that is within.

As I Journey throughout this beautiful blessing called life, I have learnt that courage can be a quiet determination to live a life that I am proud of, one that I have designed, rather than one that has been designed for me, given to me or expected of me.

I have learnt that it takes courage to accept and face what I fear. It also takes courage to take the action required to move past the fear.

Courage requires us to have an unwavering belief in ourselves, knowing that no matter what, no matter how many times failure presents itself, that we will be okay.

Courage demands vulnerability, it demands accountability , it demands letting go of control and feeling "shame".

Human beings love having things our way, we want to be right, we want to be to be seen as good, to be seen as ambitious. It takes courage to admit that we are not right, that we have messed up, that we do not know what to do or what comes next.

Courage allows us to have faith that all will be well on the Journey despite how it looks in the present moment.

Do something daily on this Journey to demonstrate to yourself that you are and can be courageous. It takes practice.

Do something you don't like to do, do something that are afraid of doing. Start the business, take up a hobby, have a "me day", travel to new places, meet new people, quit that job that you wanted to, set some boundaries, stop the habits that keep you stuck.

Do a new thing this month.

Apologize to someone. Let go of control. Do something different.

You develop courage by doing courageous things.
