Gratitude Stretches Us
Leaning into gratitude while we do our soul work will stretch us in ways we cannot imagine. Alex Elle
Confessions on the Journey- June has been a tough one.
It has been one of the months that I have felt most vulnerable and uncertain in years.
Another confession - vulnerability is tough for me. I feel extremely naked when I am called to be vulnerable, when I am in a space of being vulnerable. I feel that I am losing control. I gently remind myself that vulnerability is part of life, it is a strength and to feel all my feelings - Dang its a challenge for me.
This month, I have gone through the feelings of vulnerability, changing my self talk about it. Still challenging!
Here is what I have learnt -
1. Vulnerability is indeed a strength - to stand within yourself, with yourself and with others showing your emotions in an authentic way is empowering.
2. Having a safe space to be vulnerable helps - find your safe space.
3. When we hold back, there is a lack of authenticity.
4. Keeping it all in impacts your health and wellness.
5. Most importantly, give thanks for it all - gratitude stretches us in unimaginable ways.
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