Stay Grounded

Do yourself a favor: Stop being offended by opinions.

Social media has many benefits, it has indeed given us a voice, and reach to others which would normally not have both voice and reach. As with any tool, it really is how it is used. A hammer may be able to drive in a screw driver, however it is not the most suitable tool for its use. It may also damage both the tool and what is being fixed.

Social media is full of opinions, some we may agree with and some we will not agree with.

If we spend time being offended by all and every opinion we must ask ourselves why and what do we do with those feelings.

One of the best lesson I have learnt is - stay grounded, look inside to see what is shaking you so much so as to comment, especially if the comments are unkind and venomous. 

When we are being triggered to come out of ourselves - we are children of the Universe, full of love and light. It is up for us to remember that...all the time!

I have a mantra when I find myself getting annoyed and shouting at the screen. "Stay grounded, Stay inside, don't jump out"

I repeat it, time passes and I remind myself who I am.

Give it a go, let me know what happens.

