You Already Know
Not to spoil the ending for you, but everything is going to be okay. Soul Vibes
Trusting yourself
Trusting your intuition
Taking the guidance and action from your intuition takes courage.
Following that divine guidance can be tough for so many reasons, there are no guarantees, you may not know the final outcome with certainty, the action or non action you take may look crazy to others, you may not even know the how, you may not know the next step.
Nothing changes until you do. Sounds Cliché right?
Nothing changes until you do
You have to do things differently.
Its your choices, your habits, your power
You have to check your destructive and unconscious habits
You have to rest
You have to set boundaries
You have to change your self talk
You have to have the hard conversations
You have to forgive yourself
You have to believe in yourself
Quick fixes will not work- there is no amount or manner of external stimulation or validation that can substitute for you doing what you know you must. There is no savior coming.
Can you go to that place within?
Can you rest? Can you breath? Can learn to love yourself? Can you sit still? Can you say no? Can you say yes? right where you are minus the judgement?
over and over again...
No one can tell you how or where, you already know
now...Act like you know