Develop Yourself First
A word by Micheal Bernard Beckwith
There are three types of people...
People who are task-oriented but don't have goals.
People who have goals but they don't know what their purpose is.
Then there are people who live in a larger purpose.
Within a larger purpose, you still have goals and fulfill tasks. When you're in the dynamic of a larger purpose, you may set a goal to graduate school within a certain amount of years and within that time, master a specific instrument, or you might start a business with the goal that it is profitable by the third year, or you decide to bring your body temple in shape, so you set a goal that within a year you will be able to walk three miles without being winded. You can set goals to set goals, but when living with a larger purpose, you set goals within a greater dynamic purpose.
What is that purpose? That purpose is to reveal the face of Divinity. The face of Divinity can be revealed with a healthy body temple, a profitable business providing a great service, or the activation of a certain gift within a specific period of time. There are people who achieve their goals but aren't happy because they have no larger purpose. A goal allows you to become strong enough to give. Suppose I burn myself out just trying to be a giver without first developing my own gifts and talents, activating my capacity, and developing a level of health around my psychological, emotional, physical, and financial well-being. In that case, I have nothing to give...
When we have goals to develop ourselves, we become better instruments of giving. If I hand you a flute, and you don't know how to play it, and I ask you to take it and go inspire that person over there, you're just going to make noise. But if you take the time and develop yourself with a level of proficiency around flute playing, then if I say to you those people over there need to be inspired, you can inspire with your flute because you developed yourself first. Now you've gone into giving.
Developing yourself and giving of yourself happen simultaneously! It's not either-or. Develop yourself while being in the vibration of giving and serving people in your family, neighborhood, and humanity.
Now What?
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