Slowly Gets You There Too

Those who are certain of the outcome can afford to wait, and wait without anxiety. ACIM

The rush to get things done quickly has become a norm. We have grown to a point where we expect instant responses to text messages, emails, requests. We want to know what is happening now, we want a response now. We want to be able to make things happen quickly. For many, having patience is seen as weak. It is seen as being lazy and disrespectful when emails are not answered immediately, when tests are left for long. How did we get to this point? I cannot say.

I found myself caught up wanting everything now and quickly, getting worked up when it is not done now, when others do not respond to me as quickly as I believe they ought to.

As usual, on cue, the Universe responds in a timely manner, not when I say, always in Divine timing. Today my daily reading was on patience and perfectionism.

What is so urgent that it cannot wait? Why the anxiety? Having to ask myself questions about the feeling behind wanting everything now. Patience is as natural to those who trust. If there is doubt, patience is missing. If there is a need to control, patience is missing. If there is lack of faith, patience is missing. 

Nature reflects back to us life as it unfolds. There is a time for everything under the sun. Plant the seeds, till the soil and watch it unfold. Blooming and harvesting takes place at a certain time, and when we rush it, the effects are usually very harmful.

My lesson today is, be patient, be mindful that the outcome is sure. It may not look like you want it to look. Either way, you learn and all experiences are useful! It depends on how we look at it.


Now What?

Akosua's  latest book is out now for pre-order