Your healing will change the world around you.
Your healing is your responsibility. It may sound harsh, hear me out though. Your ability to respond to situations that are in your life, some perhaps out of your control, is with you.
How do you respond to situations, challenges and difficult situations says where you are in both your growing and healing.
Life is very consistent in reflecting back to us where we are, where we must grow, heal, forgive, move, change, shift, love, forgive, get courage. It is up to us to pay attention to the signs. What happens when we don't? life will keep showing us over and over again. The moment we look to blame or give up our power to the external, we find ourselves right back in the cycle.
Pay attention to your life, to the signs and signals that life continues to give you.
Pay attention to your responses. are you blaming, externalizing, looking for scapegoats, rationales, justification and excuses.
Pay attention if you are not or never feel at peace and want to prove, be right and perfect all the time.
Your healing will change the world around you because you would have changed.