The Universe is our mirror
The universe is our mirror and until our patterns and issues get healed we will continue to run into ourselves everywhere we go. We attract relationships with certain individuals so they can show us areas in our own life that need to be healed through their actions and behaviors - Sabrina Reber
Look around you, look at your life, look at your friends, look at it all.
What do you see?
Life is designed in such a way that it mirrors back to us how we live, and what we have recreated. Yes it sounds strange, simple and some may say weird. Bear with me though.
I am slowly learning about what I would call the Mirror concept. The Mirror is a reflection of what is. When we recognize and accept what is, we can move forward from a place of knowing.
What is real, what is true, what needs to be looked at more closely, what needs to be cleaned up.
The mirror is a powerful tool. It provides you with the opportunity to take full responsibility for what is reflected back at you.
Responsibility = The ability to respond to a situation.
How do you respond when life is reflecting to you?
Do you embrace, hide, deny, get curious?
The response is key, the ability to response is telling.
Life loves us so much, we will continue to get the signs, the nudges. Pay attention!
The mirrors are always for us to learn, grow, heal and evolve. When we fight it, play victim, deny and ignore, we miss the lesson and the blessing.