How Do You Receive Love?
I am allowing people to love me. I am allowing people to shower me with uplifting energy. I am cultivating intimate friendships. I am at peace Mani
How do you receive love?
Yes, I asked it. How do you receive love?
Love shows up in so many ways , there are also many things parading out there as love.
Love can be someone offering to cook you a meal, to take you to buy groceries when your car is not starting, dropping off Sunday market for you, sharing their last block of chocolate, sending you a poem or a reading that you like. Giving you a compliment.
How do you respond when love shows up in its many forms? A Course in Miracles says, Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Love is always around us, do we embrace it or do we find a way to push it away because it somehow doesn't look the way we want it to look or we are uncomfortable with how it showed up?
What we focus on grows, so if we focus on what's missing then that is what we will see.
Take a compliment, say thank you. Smile, Revel in the love, the attention without feeling guilty, or feeling that there is something you must do in return.
This takes a level of vulnerability and knowing that you deserve that and more.
Trust me, you deserve it.
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