Journey to Stillness

being close to me means honoring that I often need to disappear into myself, into spirit, into silence and not taking that personally. Source Nectar

This quote sums up how I feel so well.  My challenge has always been communicating this to people who are close to me with such grace and having zero guilt attached to it. I must say that I am getting better at it.

Confessions on the Journey! I would not know how or if to say what I needed, to say that I require some quiet and silent time. So what did I do? I would either pick a fight or indulge in passive aggressive behavior, or just disappear.

All not very helpful actions while being around people, especially ones that care about you. My own actions got in the way of letting people in.

Vulnerability and Openness takes  courage and self worth.

It takes a great level of courage to speak your truth especially when it is not everyone's cup of tea and not considered "normal"

There must be a soundness in knowing who you are to be able to stand firm in making your needs, and boundaries known.

These are the lessons that I have been able to take in getting to a space of sharing my need of space and solitude.

The lesson of building courage and building Self and setting boundaries.

Useful Lessons if I do say so myself!


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