Are You in Alignment?
"You have to close the gap on who you say you are and how you are behaving" - Marianne
One of my favourite lessons is - thought, word and deed must add up for clarity. For clarity of prayer and for clarity of movement. The Universe responds to clarity and consistency.
For us to say we want something or what to do something yet our thoughts, our words and our actions do not line up, it throws some confusion into your request.
If you want to get a certification in engineering, your actions alone will not make it happen. There has to be the combination of believing that it can be done (thought), going to class and doing the assignments (action) and speaking truthfully and positively about the experience. Without that combination, trust me, it will be harder to manifest your vision.
How many times do we want something and believe we cannot have it, and talk about it as if it is impossible yet our actions move towards obtaining it?
They must all line up. Thought. Word. Deed
A very special person that I hold dear to me reminded me of this on Tuesday, she said that my actions and beliefs are not meshing, especially where my finances are concerned. I really took stock of what she said
It reminded me if I am out of alignment, any movement forward will be more difficult.
Are you in Alignment?
Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here?
Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal
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