Guyana Green Expo Day 4
Attitude and perspective is everything. If you’re a pessimist, then you have negative thoughts that won’t go away no matter what the odds are. If you’re a realist, you are just coming to terms and accepting a situation rather than feeling like it was yours or someone else’s fault. Bolde
What is the difference between stating what is and what it should be?
What is the difference between showing anger and being negative?
What is the difference between being nosy and showing concern?
I ask myself these questions quite a bit, particularly in times where I realise that I am on the verge of getting annoyed.or feeling resentful.
I have learnt that intention plays such a huge part in what we do, even unintentionally. That is to say if we set no intention for what we are doing our subconscious takes over, whatever we are thinking consciously or subconsciously reflects itself in our reality.
The other thing that I learnt is that bringing in opinions based on past hurt, trauma and issues will move it from the facts to what we think it should be. I am testing the theory to see how it works
I check myself, I check my language, I check my feelings, I check my intentions. Sometimes I know right away that I have crossed the line to negative and nosy behaviour, especially when I use the check list. And then there are other times I have to be reminded, some brave souls remind me that I am or I have crossed. (I appreciate y'all!)
So, all in all, lessons on the Journey have taught me to state my intention, even if it is to myself before I do anything. The best intention I have found is the one where I state that I show up real and do my absolute best, I show up and be present with no judgements allowing the Universe to use me as it sees fit
With that intention I am able to see when I have stepped over the line!
I told my friend yesterday - the hip hop era was on to something when they said "Check yourself before you wreck yourself"
So I am here at the Expo asking myself these questions because there are some things that are concerning me about the preparation and execution. I have committed to continuing to show up nd do my best no matter what!