Guyana Green Expo - Day 3
The right people hear you differently - Lalah Delia
Today was the day that all the politicians and the rest of technocrats were scheduled to be present. They called it the formal part! I was interested to see the Guyanese version of formalities. Why? It seems that many former colonies of Britain all have this way they behave at formal political and Government functions. Confessions on the Journey - I am so over it! It seems ancient to me and there are so many ways to show respect to an office and a person, there are so many ways to host a function, there are so many ways to show love for country but adoption and adaptation of old school rules, Anyways I digress
The commitment made by the Guyanese government to transform and be a green economy by 2040 is commendable, it is to be applauded and congratulated. They have managed to mesh their discovery of oil and gas with the vision to be green in the midst of it all. Well done to them, I was indeed heartened and inspired by this bold move, I am also happy to play a small part in this transformation
I also met some lovely people today as well.