[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] I can't help you,not really...

I can't help you. Not really. I can only show up with a bright heart and
hope that I get you at the right micro-moment with the perfect dose of
light that helps you see what you already know. Danielle La Porte

You already know it, you do! Trust me, you do, you really really do

You know that the job is sucking you dry and that it is not on the road to
you fulfilling your purpose

You know that you must not be sleeping with him or her, much less have
a "relationship" with him or her

You know that that the extra chocolate bar you just ate was really extra
extra extra

You know that you ought to be eating more balanced and exercising your butt

You know you must start saying no

You know you must start saying yes

You know you must to have "that" conversation

You know you must to let go of the guy who you "like" but who clearly don't
like you (check the actions not the words)

You know you must be saving some dosh

You know you must believe in yourself

You know you must just be yourself.every.single.time

and yet you look for "help"

Look in the mirror babee, start there and see how the support starts coming
from everywhere. Take a chance and start there


-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 4/06/2016 03:23:00 pm