[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Reality is right here

There is no need to be restless or anxious, concerned about whether I will
make it or when I will make it. I will. That is all I need to know. It is
accomplished already, and I can travel this illusory journey in peace
knowing that in reality it is already over.ACIM

I remember exactly when I stopped being anxious and restless.

For months and months I had a pain on the side of my neck, it would not go
away, nothing I did made it stop. I was obsessed with making it, I was
preoccupied with what was coming next, what I had to do, all the mistakes
that I made, all the debts I had to repay, the bad decisions I believed I

A woman told me " Madam Akosua you are here, be here" I did not fully grasp
it then. One evening in Kampala I started to meditate, it was my first time
to go within and I literally wept. The tears just kept flowing, it was
tears of joy, because while I was in the state of silence, I just felt so
grateful to be in the moment, right there. It was such an overwhelming
feeling of calm and gratitude. To be there, with these awesome women, why
was I always rushing to be somewhere else, to do something else, to want
something else? Is there something somewhere else more important than where
I was at the present moment?

The simple answer was plain ole no! The magic was right there where I was
in the present moment

And therein the moment came where anxiety and restlessness disappeared from
my approach, my neck pain was gone, just like that

Over the past few weeks it has reappeared, the anxiety and restlessness, it
manifested itself in the same dull ache, this time in my lower back.

Why wasn't I...... fill in the blanks

How can I........... fill in the blanks Where can I....... fill in the blanks

And like clockwork, as I was doing my early morning reading, the paragraph
quoted above from ACIM came up, I screamed! literally! OMG yes! stop it,
just stop it right now

plant seeds, tend to them and reaping time soon come. Be here now, pay
attention, do the work, make the choices. Be still and KNOW


-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 10/25/2016 12:44:00 pm
