[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Release it
We must be constantly reaffirming our dislike of a situation in order to
keep it around. When we release our attachment to the problem or to the
cause of the problem (all causes are in our mind, not "out there") healing
is the result. That is nature's way. Ruth Clothworthy
Releasing a matter is tough when one wants to be in control and have things
their way. It is tough because sometimes we feel wrong, or small or maybe
even threatened. We tell the story over and over again like a broken
record, Telling the story is good and encouraged to get it off your chest
and acknowledge what is happening
But how do tell the story?
One of the lessons I will always remember is to "tell your story in a way
that will empower you and empower others, otherwise don't keep telling that
victim story over and over again" And so I am very mindful of how I tell a
story, how I tell my story, because stories have power and healing and
lessons attached, it is up to us to tell it in that way and believe in them
Part of telling the story is releasing the judgement! of everything and
everyone especially ourselves.
Look for the good, speak it into being because trust me this too shall pass
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 3/02/2016 02:41:00 pm