[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Returning Stronger Day 2

Ask yourself what is the best that can happen and adjust your mindset to
the positive. Stop catastrophising. Get perspective. Take a bloody risk.
Carole Forde

Arrived in Narobi later than scheduled. We were delayed by thirty minutes.
I cleared customs and looked for my name held up by the group of drivers on
the outside. Hmm don't see it, I walk around again, to the familiar cry
of "taxi madame" on loop! I answer politely no thank you I wait about 20 minutes, I still don't see my name. Hmm I walk to a police man and ask him to use his phone to call Godfrey who was
supposed to sort the taxi, he called, "The taxi is delayed in the traffic" I did not buy it "What does that mean?" "Maybe you take one and get into town" I silently cursed myself. I have been dealing with Geff for about 2 years now sorting out Conferences
and training courses, he always proved to be totally unreliable- here we go
again! Why did I even think this time would be different? I got a taxi, which got lost it was close to midnight. then he started
arguing with me about the cost- he charged me more than double the price,
it is one thing I can do without here, the taxi's are notorious for doing
this! I told the taxi driver that even though you cheat me, you are cheating
yourself, and I walked away thinking tomorrow I will have to get Uber, I am
not dealing with these fellas for the next few weeks at all! And here we go, the journey continues Peace

-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 11/10/2016 09:39:00 am
