[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] The Law of Process
If we hold on to the mistake, we can't see our own glory in the mirror
because we have the mistake between our faces and the mirror; we can't see
what we're capable of being Maya Angelou
Your process in your life's journey is step by step.
STEP - "Success Treasures Enthusiastic Persistence"
Step by step, inch by inch, moment by moment ants build an anthill. Come
rain, come shine, step by step, inch by inch, moment by moment - and after
a while the anthill is complete.
The first step in the process of your life is creating a goal for you. What
inspires you, what are you passionate about, what excites you, what touches
your heart?
The Next Step - is to ask yourself: Are you prepared to put in the effort
and the sacrifices that require commitment to your goal?
The Next Step - is to make sure you are committed to risk your all, to
persist through fear, doubt, discouragement, discomfort, routine, boredom
and frustration.
The Next Step - is to discover if you have got what it takes to draw upon
your inner strength when the going gets tough to find out what you are
really made of.
The Next Step - are you prepared to find out Who You Really Are - to find
out how strong and magnificent you really are, how powerful beyond any self
imposed limits you really are.
The Next Step - is to acknowledge that people rarely ever fail; they only
stop trying.
The Next Step - Are you now ready to take your first physical step with
enthusiasm knowing what your goal is but focusing only on your next step,
then the next step, and so on.
The Next Step - You will need discipline and patience as you persist step
by step. Your enthusiasm grows into persistence and dogged determination -
step by step.
The Next Step - Step by step you need the process, the patience, the
persistence to reach any goal.
The Next Step - Before you even reach your goal, which is only a momentary
satisfaction of accomplishment, you begin to realize, step by step, that
the victory is in the process. The reward is also the journey not only the
The Next Step - When you reach your goal, you realize how you limited
yourself and you create another goal, the journey never ends.
The Next Step - You become aware that the reward is not WHAT you do - it's
HOW you do it - step by step.
For every step - Trust the Process - Step by Step
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 9/26/2016 12:16:00 pm