[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Feel them, it helps
It's a waste of time to blame external circumstances or people.Idillinaire
Many of the teachings of the Course in Miracles(ACIM) resonate with me, the
concept of being responsible for my life, of not focusing on guilt, of
feeling all my feelings and that sickness starts with the mind have helped
me tremendously on my journey thus far.
Feelings buried alive never die, they fester, and just like a wound that
festers it can pollute your entire system.
Sabrina Reber says that our feelings contain valuable information and
connect us to our intuition and truth. Feelings are the language of the
soul! When we suppress our feelings we suppress our connection to our soul.
We create filters and barriers between our physical being and our spiritual
being interfering with our own source of divine guidance and intelligence
that guides us to manifest the best possible outcome in our lives. Our
feelings also disclose lessons we need to learn and insight into our souls
contract for this lifetime.
When we ignore, run from and judge our feelings it results in certain types
of illness, that is a bonafide truth that I have learnt- most times the
hard way
According to the book "How to Raise Your Vibration" , Negative feelings
left unaddressed get stuck in our energy body creating a foggy energy field
that lowers our vibration and blocks our intuition. Unprocessed feelings
become distortions that also lead to illness and dis-ease. When we ignore
our feelings, because we don't want to feel the pain, we stuff them in our
energy fields where they begin to fester. Eventually, our denied feelings
move into the physical body and announce themselves as an imbalance,
illness, pain, virus or disease. When we are connected to our feelings and
allow ourselves to fully process through them so we can release them, we
become a clear vessel fully connected to the guidance of our soul and
spirit. When we block, stuff or ignore our feelings our body will respond
with a pain or symptom and let us know when we are out of alignment with
our truth. Feelings are core sensations in the BODY; they are not created
out of the MIND.
Feelings are felt in the body and they are warning signs for us to
acknowledge that something within our being needs to be addressed. The body
never lies. It is always giving us warning signs…if we would only listen!
We have a pill for every ailment: anxiety, high blood pressure,
indigestion, depression even restless leg syndrome. We like to treat the
symptom and avoid the root cause of the dis-ease while the body
continuously tries to get our attention prompting us to recognize that
something within our being needs to be addressed.
Once we allow our feelings to rise to the surface to be felt and fully
experienced, we can then use our awareness to consciously shift our
feelings one vibration, one frequency, one thought and one emotion at a
time. It is our responsibility to become aware of our feelings and to
recognize that our feelings do affect the whole of humanity.
Feel them Peace
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 11/03/2016 02:14:00 pm