What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love - Houston Book Tour Day 5 - A Break in the Norm
Burn the draft, the plan, the strategy that you thought was everything -
Danielle La Porte
Today I am taking a break in the touring to participate in a meeting
focused on the effect of climate change on small farmers in small and
developing nations, following on from that I will go out and see Houston a bit. I have the privilege to work with small farmers and community
businesses in my country through CANARI and UNDP to look at the climate change effects on their businesses. I will be paying attention as this is part of the lessons on the journey It is evident to me that I cannot live in a vacuum as I am connected to everyone, as Neale Donald Walsh says, all of us are one, even in A Course of Miracles they talk about that the only thing that needs to be healed in the world is our sense of separation. When I think and believe that I am connected to my brothers and sisters my behavior changes. And even more key is that when my actions impact me, in a way that causes me stress or is unhealthy or harmful, I know it will impact others. What I do to you I do to me Catch that
-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 10/28/2015 02:44:00 pm