[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Don't forget - You are great
Greatness is not external is internal because of your presence you deserve
high regard meaning kindness, love,gentleness to be seen and heard and
acknowledged just as you are Iyanla Vanzant
This is my favorite definition of greatness, the word great,gets many
people uncomfortable, I tell people they are great they watch me side eye,
they tell me stop playing or that I am just saying it to make them feel good
I know I am great! I am great because I deserve kindness, love, to be seen
and heard, I am great by my mere presence, if all of us embody this,
remember this, practice this, my word, we would be so powerful in our own
skin, but we forget, hell I forget many times I forget that I deserve this
and when I forget I am reminded by the activities that take place in my
life, the people attract and the circumstances I find myself in
You forgot that you are great if you are outsourcing your happiness
You forget that you are great by allowing people in your lives who lie and
You forgot that you are great by sleeping with other people's partners
You forgot that you are great by not taking care of your health
You forgot that you are great by not showing up as yourself, fully and
You forgot that you are great when you lack boundaries
You forgot that you are great when you change yourself to fit in , to be
liked,to be a part of the crowd
You forgot that you are great when you don't do your best in every situation
You are great
You are great
Greatness is you
Catch that
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 7/09/2016 02:20:00 pm