[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Trust Yourself
It is impossible for people who are untrustworthy to become trustworthy
simply because you want them to be that wayTrust is a matter of character -
Iyanla Vanzant
The first and most important thing in trust is trusting yourself, how does
that happen
Simply by doing what you tell yourself you will do and being radically
honest - all the time!
The self trust starts being chipped away with the small things - I won't
eat the entire bag of cookies - and what do you do? You eat the entire bag
of cookies- the guilt sets in and the associated self talk which can go
from a vicious tirade or can go to justifying any stoopid move that you
decide to take in contradiction to what you previously agreed with yourself
The trust chips away
Telling yourself lies - to justify bad behaviour - yours and others
Telling yourself lies - to avoid confrontation and hurt
The bottom line is trusting anything and anyone begins with trusting
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 6/16/2016 04:28:00 pm