[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Day 6 - Why Are You Here in NYC - The Book Tour
Expect discomfort. If you want your call to be easy, you'll never answer
it. Know that you have what it takes to handle the discomfort with grace.
Never interpret discomfort as anything other than a step toward your dream.
It's required. And it never feels good in the moment. Maxie
I'm being challenged, I am in the discomfort stage as I embark on this
journey and although it feels like crap at the same time it feels good
Today was a day of strategy, the review, what I did well and not so well
Who likes being told that what they are doing is not being "done so well"
Woman up- it is part of the journey
I am determined to include some fun in this trip, to celebrate the "doing
well" moments if only for days like this where I am told that in order to
answer this call there will be uncomfortable days
And so on Friday morning the pardee begins!!!
Tomorrow I am at Word Up Bookstore - looking forward!
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 7/20/2016 01:53:00 pm