[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] It starts inside
It is pointless to try to shift and change external circumstances in our
physical worlds without first addressing what is going on in our internal
worlds. The outer is always a reflection of the inner. So get to know
yourself.....what is going on within you that is creating your current
Yesterday I had the opportunity to be among a community group, I have been
working with this group for a little while. They have a huge vision and
intention to empower their community for future generations. A lofty goal
but hey, start at the top and dream big I say. To see the evolution of this
is phenomenal, the major difference in the time that I have been there is,
as I was talking about yesterday, a combination of consistency and
discipline and a change of mind set
The mind set of responsibility - we are responsible for ourselves
The mind set of partnership - let's partner with people, let us corporate,
it is not about competition but corporation
The mind set of the village raises the children - we are all responsible
for the children
The mind set of we cannot "save" everybody- who wants to come along will
come, those who don't bless them and move on
I am always inspired when I spend time there, the lessons that I learn are
profound, it reminds me that simplicity is force. We complicate the thing
for no good reason other than fear.
The change starts within, the inside reflects the outside and most
importantly no thought is neutral. It becomes form on some level, watch the
thoughts, watch the inside. Brutally honest, what is reflected on the
outside is an effect of what is on the inside. It is a tough one to swallow
but yet beautiful because a change of mind is the start of a change of
circumstances and life
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 9/22/2016 01:57:00 pm