[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] You are magic

You are magic - one day you will be willing to see that- Deborah Johnson

One of the most important lesson that I was given is that there is no
prerequisite for worthiness. You are worthy and deserve the best by virtue
of just being alive, end of story. Being born into this magnificent life
means you are worthy of the best that life has to offer. How awesome is that to know and believe that you don't have to beg,
bargain, trade and plead for your worthiness? you just have to show up
every day, every single time, believing in that and always act on that

As children, we get brownie points for behaving a certain way and then we
start believing that our worthiness is attached to our behavior alone, we
take this feeling into adulthood and believe we are worthy if only we do
certain things and we even get rewarded for that behavior but nooo nooo You are worthy - just by being alive, let's start there, we are born 100%
worthy What happens is that we forget or don't know or don't believe and start
acting a fool Circumstances happen that reinforce the feeling that we have to do
something or be a certain way to be worthy or maybe not do something! Hear this and hear me well You alone are enough You are worthy and that's just the way it is Act like you know Peace!

-- Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 2/25/2016 11:25:00 am
