[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Better is Better
This is one of my favorite "What Did I Learn Today? pieces from my girl
Stacey Hererra who is an awesome coach that I have had the pleasure of
working with, I wanted to share it with you today
"The urge to rush through pain is normal. You want to get it over with as
soon as possible. But while pain may be inconvenient, it almost always
comes bearing gifts.
Because pain is a signal, not a symptom, it is always accompanied by
expansion. Pain's purpose is to get your attention, fast. So that you can
move on and through, not around, to something better.
Keep in mind that better is not always grandiose. But better is still
better. It may come in the form of an open mind or an open heart. Better
could be liberation from a job, a partner, or financial chokehold. Better
could be as simple as a new perspective.
Pain is not here to make you hurt, it serves to wrangle your awareness.
Look at it. Listen to it. Learn from it. And move through it"
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 2/03/2016 12:58:00 pm