[What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love] Boundaries is a demonstration of self-respect
"It is your duty to take responsibility for how you expect and allow others
to treat you" Iyanla (the absolute boss teacher)
One of my most challenging lessons is setting and maintaining boundaries.
For this purpose a boundary is defined as " a mental construct,
expectation, request, or system that you put in place within yourself to
define, prescribe or exclude behavior, people, experiences and internal or
external intrusions"
Boundaries is a demonstration of self respect and respect for others
One cannot be allowed to run amuk in other people's lives with bad behavior,
When you know what is expected of you, you have the power to choose whether
or not you want to participate or be in relationship with people.
When people care about you, they will respect what you request and expect.
If they cannot, they will offer a compromise.
My challenges with boundaries stem from a combination of wanting to avoid
confrontation and conflict, from wanting to keep the peace and wanting
people to like me
I never trusted myself to handle a disagreement without either losing my
temper (like boxing someone in the face with a wicked right hand) or losing
the relationship. to me, disagreement was about losing. And so with that my
boundaries were lines drawn in the sand and moved willy nilly to avoid
This never ends well!
Why? My self respect and self love was shot to pieces because I was forever
upset with myself for not following through with my boundaries, we show
people how to treat us. what resulted was people were allowed to behave
badly in my life.
So, what I learnt is that I need to be able to tell other people when they
are being or behaving in whats that are unacceptable and frightening to me,
and know that I will not lose
Somewhere there is a decision that honors you, that honors others. Find
that decision.Be committed to finding it.
Posted By Blogger to What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to
Unconditional Self Love on 6/21/2016 12:20:00 pm