Love shows up with open hands

Intuition is our life's compass – we can trust our instincts… and, with more and more divine headedness, our purpose calls… it finds us. Pamela Anderson

I was listening to a podcast featuring Dr Thema over the weekend, she was talking about balancing success, how success in one area of our lives, particularly the part we spend the most time on, can mask other areas of our lives that require attention.

For career women, successful women, many times they are goal oriented, achieving whatever they put their minds to with consistency and persistence. When it comes to personal relationships, they view the situation with the same lens. They view it as if it is not working all that is required is to approach it like achieving a goal, more time, more persistence and more strategy. Dr Thema pointed out that using this formula for relationships does not always work. Relationships require trust, reciprocity, it requires others to do their inner work- we cannot always do the work for others, love more, give more until it works out. Success in a relationship is not measured by the length of it.

Success in a relationship is about growth, reciprocity, trust, willingness to forgive- if these qualities are absent, and the other person is not showing up as they ought to be- time will not fill that gap.

We cannot strategize our way to success in a relationship on our own. Love does not include convincing. Convincing is different from accountability.

This was a game changer for me. Define success in a relationship which provides us with the emotional support, growth and love rather than time, and ticking a box. Use your intuition to guide, use your body to feel the energy and be honest about what is facing you.

How do you define a Successful Relationship?

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