Who Holds the Power and Responsibility in Your Life?
Character—the willingness to accept responsibility for one's own life—is the source from which self-respect springs. We flatter ourselves by thinking this compulsion to please others is an attractive trait: a gift for imaginative empathy, evidence of our willingness to give. Lisa Herrera
Who do you believes holds the responsibility (the ability to respond) for your healing?
Who do you believe hold the responsibility for your feelings?
Who do you believe holds or has responsibility for your joy?
Who do you believe has the responsibility for your relieving your sorrows?
Who do you believe has or holds the power and responsibility for your choices?
Who do you believe holds the power and responsibility for your decisions?
Who do you believe holds the power and responsibility for your thoughts?
Gentle reminder to self - in your life, be very clear about what you hold the power and the responsibility for and when you do, don't give it away, outsource it, neglect it or deny it because when you do, your life will be one of default, irresponsibility and lack of power