We are Powerful and Worthy

So, I hope you will allow your life to be bigger than you ever thought it could be. I hope you will wipe the mental slate clean and begin again with the truth of who you are today and all that you hope to be tomorrow - Brianna West

I had a moment where the penny dropped today - what if its my mind that is holding me back? What if it is what I telling myself or not telling myself. What if its my own self talk that is holding me in this place where I am out of flow?

Now, I must confess, it is difficult to admit to myself that I am standing in my own way. It, however is the starting point of a willingness to do something different and see a different perspective.

What and how we been speaking to ourselves and thinking about ourselves?

Our minds are so powerful, think about it, something comes up that is not even real and we give it life by a thought, it can impact the way we feel.

When I believe that I am in danger, my belly starts flipping- it does not even have to be real! I only have to think that I am and there I go, belly hurts, head hurts. When I realise that I am not in danger, I now have to calm down. This is how powerful our minds are

So what if we use the power of our minds, the power of our thoughts to think ourselves into different and bigger possibilities? To remember who we are - valuable beings with nothing to do to prove how valuable and worthy we are.

I sometimes in moments of fear, forget my value and worthiness and start bargaining for it, I start looking for it outside of myself with people, jobs, and externals. Then life reminds me, sometimes with a shove, that there is no need to prove to anyone nor bargain your value and worth. Change the way you think, how you talk to yourself to center you, to return to who you are.

Let us remember that we are powerful and worthy, we start there- Always.
