To Transform
Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind Romans 12.2
Breaking down the word transform - trans is to go above, to go beyond.
Transform means there is movement, from one place/space to another.
Transform means it is no longer in the same form - the form is different.
Newsflash - you cannot have transformation without change. And that transformation comes from inside, it comes from your thinking. The transformation is of your mind. The renewal comes from transforming our selves. Transformation cannot only come from the external - a new job, a new relationship, a ne practice. The transformation is you. It is YOU!
We keep chasing after people, places and things and all that other stuff thinking that when we get these certain things in our lives, we are going to be something or someone different - that is not how it works.
The transformation is inside of you.
Your mind, when transformed, reflects in how you live