February is the Journey to Surrender
Dear February
I Surrender:
- Limited beliefs that no longer serve me - what are you still believing in that keeps you stuck, unhappy, doubting yourself, focusing on others? Ask yourself the tough questions and then surrender it all.
- People pleasing - surrender the need, the craving for everyone to like you. Focus on liking yourself and creating healthy boundaries
- Shame & Guilt for resting & self-care - how many of us want to finish the tasks, do the work in front of us at the expense of our health, well being and peace of mind?
- Blaming others & not taking responsibility for my choices - sometimes, we mess up! own it. Helps in making decisions and forgiving ourselves.
- Outdated status quo beliefs - the status quo sometimes keeps us from moving forward and doing something new and different.
- Self-doubt - Don't let the doubt fool you.
- Judging others, Judging self - February is a call to release the judgement of self
- Expired relationships - the ones you know are done however you keep rehashing them in your mind or even in person.
- Tolerating nonsense & bad behaviour of self & others - what are you tolerating in your life that you know must be surrendered?
- The illusion that I can control that every outcome - do everything that you can, then surrender the rest, God's will be done.
- Fixing others, fixing "it", Fixing the "situation"
- Acceptance of what is
What are you surrendering to this on your Journey?