On Forgiving Yourself
More than anything, you give yourself what you need, instead of what you crave. Treating your energy like a precious resource has a deep effect on your life. Yung Pueblo'
A huge part on the journey to forgiveness is learning to forgive yourself, and once you have learned to forgive yourself, be willing to do it consistently and with grace.
I have learnt to forgive myself:
1. When I have ignored my intuition.
2. When I have judged myself, especially harshly.
3. When I dishonored myself.
4. When I forget who I am - an idea that came reality from the Most High
5. When I outsource my power and responsibility to others.
6. When I blame others, project onto others due to shame, guilt and denial.
When I forgive myself, the path is made clear to forgive others.
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