Our Truth is always talking to us

Our truth is always talking to us, but most of us don’t know how to listen. Martha Beck

I truly believe that our lives communicate with us on a regular basis, day in day out we are so loved by life that we are given guidance, truths and signs as we journey on. 

Our role is to pay attention, to listen and to act. Sounds simple enough doesn't it? Simple is not always easy. Human beings want to be in control, to have things go our way,. There are times where we find it hard to dig inside for the courage and look only for logic. Tt is a challenge to hear and walk in the truth that life has kindly provided because it does not fit into any logic and it goes contrary to the status quo.

As part of the Journey to embrace our truth, we must be willing to let go.

Let go of the stories.

Let go of the false narratives.

Let go of the guilt.

Let go of the shame.

Let go of the fear.

Let go of the judgement.

Think of your life as a flowing river and the stories, fear, and shame are rocks which prevent the full flow. Remove the rocks and the river flows freely. 

Letting go is a process of growing your courage, faith, and intuition, all of which is inside of us.

A process takes time, and the actions must be consistent.

Think of how many times we get an inside message to let go of a job, a relationship, a habit, yet we make excuses, rationales and justification why it does not make sense or fit into our current reality. Life will continue to nudge us until those nudges becomes a full on shove.

Personally, I prefer the gentle nudges, those shoves- my word! sometimes are too hard
