Respect and trust the process of change
Think about it, what is your natural and first response to change and uncertainty? Human beings love certainty, we want to be in control, in fact we live in the illusion that we have control over many things . We want to be and feel safe, knowing what is in front of us and what comes next makes us feel safe. Because of all of this, the usual response to change is resistance.
We resist change. We resist it until life says "no more resistance, let go and let's go" Life is neutral so when something happens, it really is a situation where we must change, let go or make a different choice.
What I have learnt is when we are in the midst of change and uncertainty, and there is resistance, no trust and no respect, we suffer. Of course, we must take into account all of our feelings and ride those waves, feel the feelings and be self aware. In the midst of it all, letting go and trusting the process is key.
What does that mean? What does that look like?
1. Pay attention to what is going on in your life - do not ignore the signs, the pain, the coincidences.
2. Tell yourself the truth - with kindness and compassion. Only when you tell yourself the truth you are able to move forward
3. Be willing to do a new thing - just a feeling of willingness will make a difference- affirm - I am willing to do a new thing
4. Stop making excuses, finding rationales, being defensive about the situation.
5. Love yourself through it- have patience, release the judgement.
6. Do something new and small daily - a simple thing like taking a new route to work or to home will show your brain something new.
7. Practice, Practice, Practice