Self Aware? Now What?

identifying the pattern is awareness, choosing not to repeat the cycle is growth. Billy Chapata

Self awareness is an extremely powerful part of how we heal and grow. There is a saying which goes "Knowledge is Power". This applies to self development, growth and breaking patterns that no longer are in our best interests.

Self awareness is your knowledge, ownership and acknowledgement of your patterns, traits, feelings and behaviors in situations. Self awareness is usually the first step in making a change in how one approaches situations, particularly emotional situations.

Do you know what triggers you, what makes you uncomfortable, what brings you joy? Do you own that? If you know yet ignore or disown then you are not fully self aware. The acknowledgement has to come with being accountable, having the ability to respond and without judgement. The clincher with all of this is taking action. When you become self aware, what are your new choices? Are there any new choices? It completes the cycle.

If you become aware that you have no set and clear boundaries, now what?

If you are aware of your triggers, now what?

The change comes with taking action. start small, progress over perfection. Breaking habits are never easy.

Self-awareness plays a critical role in how we understand ourselves and how we relate to others and the world. Being self-aware allows you to evaluate yourself in relation to others.
